Understanding the Fine Print: Does Car Insurance Cover Vandalism?

Have you ever parked your car, only to return and find it covered in scratches or with a shattered window? It’s an infuriating experience that can leave you feeling violated and wondering if your car insurance will cover the damage.
In this blog post, we delve into the nitty-gritty of car insurance policies to answer the burning question: does car insurance actually cover vandalism? Join us as we unravel the intricacies of “fine print” clauses and uncover whether you’ll have peace of mind—or pay out of pocket—when faced with an act of vandalism on your vehicle.
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What is vandalism?
One of the most common crimes in the United States is vandalism. According to the FBI, there were over 2.2 million incidents of it reported to law enforcement in 2016. This can take many different forms and can even be classified as a hate crime. It can include damaging property or graffiti, but it can also include inciting violence or defacing religious symbols.

Unfortunately, it is usually not covered by car insurance policies. Policyholders are typically only covered for damage done to their own vehicle. However, some insurers may offer additional coverage if the vandalism was motivated by hostility or prejudice against a particular group. In general, it’s important to read the fine print of your policy carefully to make sure that you’re fully protected from any potential damages caused by vandalism.
Are there any exceptions to theft coverage?
There may be some exceptions to theft coverage, depending on the policy wording. For example, a policy might not cover vandalized car that was done with the intent to steal the property. In some cases, certain damage that is caused during a robbery or burglary might also not be covered by a car insurance policy.
It is important to read the policy wording carefully to determine whether or not theft coverage is available. Additionally, it is often helpful to speak with a car insurance representative to get clarification on potential exclusions.
What is considered vandalism?
Vandalism is the act of damaging or defacing property with the specific intent to impede its use or enjoyment. The most common types are graffiti, throwing a rock through a window, and tearing down posters. Vandalism can also take the form of leaving insulting notes, spray painting walls, and damaging crops or turf.
Damage caused by vandalism is not covered under most car insurance policies. This is because vandalized car is not considered an accident. Accidents are events that occur while you are driving, and damage caused by them is considered covered under your coverage. Damage done while you are not driving, on the other hand, is usually not covered unless it results in an injury.
Is vandalism a pre-existing condition?
It is not typically covered by car insurance policies, as it is generally considered a pre-existing condition. In most cases, car insurers will only cover vandalized cars that occurs while the vehicle is in use. This means that if your car catches on fire because someone maliciously threw a lit cigarette out the window, you won’t be covered.
Some insurers may offer more comprehensive vandalism coverage if you have a history of the crime occurring on your car, or if it is a particularly costly or destructive act.
Do collision coverage include vandalism?
vandalism usually falls within the purview of property insurance, which is why it’s important to understand the fine print when it comes to collision coverage. In many cases, vandalized car is explicitly excluded from coverage, and your policy may not even include damage caused by criminal activity like theft.
If you’re involved in a car accident caused by someone who intentionally damaged your vehicle, you may be entitled to compensation. Before filing a claim, make sure you know whether your collision Insurance includes coverage for vandalized car.

If you’re injured or damage your vehicle vandalized, make sure your auto insurance policy covers the costs. Contact your insurer to find out if vandalized car is covered and whether there are any special requirements that must be met in order for the coverage to be effective.
Generally, vandalized cars are not covered by auto insurance policies. However, there are some exceptions, such as if the vandals were purposely trying to cause damage (even if they succeed). In these cases, the policy may cover up to $500 in damages per incident. Plus, you may need to prove that the vandalism was actually responsible for your injury or damage.